Field Trip Procedures

Field trips/special activities are used to stimulate interest in a subject and expand the children's knowledge of their surroundings. In order to ensure adequate supervision and safety of all the children while on a field trip, here is a list of procedures that I have developed and implemented. Parents are always welcome to participate.

Field Trip Checklist

-to ensure that all the necessary supplies (e.g. first aid kit, emergency consents, attendance list, etc.) are complete.

- to ensure that all parents are aware of how the children will be transported (e.g. bus, car) - including the use of car seats if they are necessary.

- to ensure that a parent has signed the trip consent form prior to the event.

- I have visited, or phoned for information about, the site of the field trip and checked where things are (e.g. parking, bus stop, washrooms, telephone, etc).

Supervision of Children

-attendance will be recorded in written form upon arrival and on leaving the destination.

- head counts will be done once every ½ hour.

- when the children are divided into smaller groups, each staff/parent helper will have a list of the names of the children in their group.

- for safety purposes, name tags are not permitted.

- no child will be transported in the front seat if the vehicle is equipped with air bags.

Expectations of Staff

- as the child care provider, I will regularly review my field trip policies and procedures.

- any staff/adults accompanying me will receive orientation with strong emphasis placed on supervision and other responsibilities.

Expectations of Children

-all children will receive orientation to the field trip, noting boundaries, appropriate behaviour, location of washrooms, and what to do if they should find themselves lost.

Safety Hazards

- upon arrival, I will survey the location for any safety hazards.

- at this time, children will be orientated to the location (e.g. review the boundaries, possible safety hazards)

- a communication system (cell phone, quarters for payphone) will be in place to ensure that I can contact the necessary individuals in the event of an emergency.




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